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Our Creations

We specialize funnel building in the ClickFunnels 2.0 software, though winning strategies can be applied to any other platform.

ClickFunnels just released this incredible offer!

- Built In ClickFunnels 2.0 -

Funnel Hub

The funnel hub serves as a central spoke for your business. With pages featuring what the brand is all about and the people involved, offers, shoutouts, content, resources, and a clear list of previous projects. Call it a website, because that's really what it is. You are viewing a page in the Funnel Crackers funnel hub right now!

Created by: Marchello Sciortino

- Built In ClickFunnels 2.0 -

Lead Funnel

The lead funnel (aha "squeeze" funnel) is designed to capture leads, like an email address, this then allows us to further contact the potential customer with other offers. We use lead magnets - a free, or low-ticket, item used as an exchange... an incentive for providing a direct means of contact. This lead funnel gives a list of prayers (niche related) for signing up.

Created by: Marchello Sciortino

- Built In ClickFunnels 2.0 -

Survey Funnel

The survey funnel fine tunes the customers journey based on their needs. A survey is given and the potential customer is directed to page designed "for them." When built correctly, this funnel will impress the audience that enters, increase conversion, and leave a positive lasting impression on your customers.
This 'Cornering' funnel is a great example!

Created by: Marchello Sciortino

- Built In ClickFunnels 2.0 -

Summit Funnel

The summit funnel pushes ticket sales for a specified training event (In person or virtual.) The tickets can range in price, but low or even free is recommended, because the heart of the revenue is in the upsell! The first should be a VIP experience, then a high(er) valued offer. this 'Mirror Midset' funnel showcases the magic of the summit funnel.

Created by: Marchello Sciortino

- Built In ClickFunnels 2.0 -

Free Challenge Funnel

The free challenge funnel pushes exactly what the name presents... registration to a free challenge, hosted at the destination of your choice. With virtual challenges as an option, I highly recommend scheduling and building your event in a Facebook group. The revenue is in the upsells. (VIP + high ticket offer.) The example below shows a powerful build!

Created by: Marchello Sciortino

- Built In ClickFunnels 2.0 -

Book Funnel

The book funnel is a showcase powerhouse! This funnel is designed to convert book sales. Highlighting the amazing knowledge or adventure delivered in the book! The first page often offers a low price for a hard copy... even free - the customer just pays for printing, shipping, and handling. Upsells can include an audio book or a related mini training course.

Created by: Marchello Sciortino

- Built In ClickFunnels 2.0 -

Cart Funnel

The cart funnel is designed around 1 specific product. This is usually a best-selling physical product sold at an irresistible price with upsells offering more of the same thing. It's intent is to  highlight a relatable pain point and explain how and why the product is the solution. Listing the features and benefits in   a captivating way!

Created by: Marchello Sciortino

- Built In ClickFunnels 2.0 -

Paid Challenge Funnel

The  paid challenge funnel presents the enrollment of  a purchase event ticket. The potential audience member is presented with much detail, listing each day and the lessons to be delivered. Announcing benefits, guarantees, prizes, and testimonials. Set with a powerful VIP offer. Theses challenges can be in person or virtual (Facebook group.)

Created by: Marchello Sciortino

- Built In ClickFunnels 2.0 -

VSL Funnel

The video sale letter (VSL) funnel is our favorite because it is built to sell anything in an emotional and logical. With an emphasis on high ticket items, the video (perfect webinar), compelling copy, pain point to solution, and a detailed breakdown of the amazing offer being sold on the first page. Upsells, bump offers, and dow  sales sell more pieces of the offer.

Created by: Marchello Sciortino

- Built In ClickFunnels 2.0 -

Webinar Funnel

The webinar funnel is created to acquire registrants to a coming web-class. Hosted on your desired platform and at your planned date/time. The funnel builds hype by listing highlights and making cliffhangers on the value and insight to be delivered in a 1+ hour program. Live or virtual with a big offer at the end. The example below presents the funnel's awesome simplicity!

Created by: Marchello Sciortino

- Built In ClickFunnels 2.0 -

Product Launch Funnel

The product launch funnel (PLF) combines the simplicity of the lead funnel with a daily [span of 4 days] sequence of pre recorded videos delivered and unlocked via email. This funnel gains mass hype and interest to engaged prospects, with a high converting offer following the final day - launch your product the best way with unstoppable momentum!

Created by: Marchello Sciortino

- Built In ClickFunnels 2.0 -

Application Funnel

The application funnel tells tells the audience why your service is so great and captures an email if they choose to optin. The potential customer/client is then presented with a questionnaire (application form.) Populated with your own questions, their given answers allow you to: create a custom quote, prepare for a call, or follow-up with a special  offer.

Created by: Marchello Sciortino

- Built In ClickFunnels 2.0 -

Webinar Application Funnel

The webinar application funnel combines a webinar funnel and an application funnel. The first part (webinar, initial landing page) gets them to register to an upcoming web-class. Then the second part (application) is delivered via follow-up (email and post announcement.) This post webinar application is positioned to secure fast action takers.

Created by: Marchello Sciortino

- Max Conversion Practices -

Funnel Strategy

Let's talk strategy! With vast knowledge in funnel building, offer sequencing , and target audience segmentation - we will help you setup a high converting funnel system and launch it to your target audience. This involves consistent test, nurturing and sequencing. Setting up and implementing a winning strategy will determine the success of the funnel.

Worded by: Marchello Sciortino

- ClickFunnels 2.0 Guidance -

Funnel Consulting

We are here to hold your hand in every step of your sales funnel journey. From the build, to editing, and managing - if we don't have the answer, Marchello will ask his expert ClickFunnels Community. He will make sure your questions are clearly answered. Completely understanding the flow and build of your marketing and sales funnel system will take repetition.

Created by: Marchello Sciortino

- Mapped-Out In Geru --

Funnel Simulation

Want to simulate your entire funnel system with estimated traffic, page conversions, email opens, and much more - to eliminate any loop holes and know that your funnel is tuned to reach your goals? We can do that! It is as amazing as it sounds and it's all thanks to the sales funnel simulation program called Geru. Let's map out your funnel and see that it is a winner.

Mapped by: Marchello Sciortino

Click Below To Get Chello's Weekly Email Tips And A FREE Digital Copy Of His Favorite Lead Funnel.

Click Below To Get Chello's Weekly Email Tips And A FREE Digital Copy Of His Favorite Lead Funnel.

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Copyright © 2024 | Funnel Crackers
All Rights Reserved | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer

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Funnel Designed and Developed by Funnel Crackers

Affiliate Disclosure: I am an affiliate for ClickFunnels. I am not a paid employee. I may receive commission if you click a link or button on this page and choose to purchase something. You can rest assured I will only share things I believe in and will truly be of value to you.

Affiliate Disclosure: I am an affiliate for ClickFunnels. I am not a paid employee. I may receive commission if you click a link or button on this page and choose to purchase something. You can rest assured I will only share things I believe in and will truly be of value to you.